Posted by: mommyq | May 29, 2008

How much do I love this kid?

Seriously, I always knew that I would be HEAD OVER HEELS in love with my children but, I just never realized how those little insignificant things could tug at your heartstrings and make you a) beam with pride and b) love them even MORE.  And, the way those little unexpected, “I love you mommy” can just make your day that much brighter.

Yesterday, we were having our usual day, feed/play with Noah, get him to sleep, have a little one on one with Sydney and then try and get some chores done BEFORE Noah wakes up…rinse and repeat.  We had just finished a good old round of patty cake and, I noticed it was time for DIEGO so, I seized the opportunity to get some chores done and, set Sydney up for a 1/2 hour of TV.  Well, for those of  you that know Sydney, you KNOW that Diego is her all time favorite and, when that show comes on, there is NO moving.

When I got down to the laundry room, I heard Syd yell, “Mommy, where are you?” to which I responded..”Just downstairs doing some laundry, I will be up in a minute”.  Well, before I knew it, she was downstairs by my said saying, “I help you too mommy” as she started bringing me the laundry pile from teh base of the stairs (where I throw it till I get a chance to sort it into the laundry room) and singing, “What’s gonna work, TEAMWORK, what’s gonna work, TEAMWORK”.  I was completely shocked and amazed that Sydney was willing to give up some DIEGO time to help me with the laundry.  TOOOO CUTE!

She is certainly growing up to be something else.  She has such a wonderful little personality and a great disposition.  And, I am in stitches most days with the things she comes up with.  She has her cute odd little quirks that, I KNOW she gets from me.  I am a bit anal about bathroom cleanliness in our house so, it is like looking in a mirror when we walk into a public bathroom and she explains, “Ohhh man, it is gross in here!”  Or, as I catch her after our shower wiping down the walls with a cloth asking, “This is dirty mommy?”

Pat and I have also learned not to announce that we are going to the bathroom otherwise she goes running saying, “Noooo, I goo pee pee first!” and if we DO get to the bathroom right before she does, she WILL NOT pee or poop on the toilet until it has been FLUSHED! HA  A few days ago, I took her potty in the downstairs bathroom which has one of those disinfecting pucks (that make the water blue) since we don’t use/clean it as often.  I don’t use it upstairs since, due to my bathroom OCD, gets cleaned CONSTANTLY.  When I sat her down, she looked in the bowl, looked up at me and asked, “Is this dirty?”.  So, I had to explain that it was just blue water and that it WASN’T dirty! 😦 HA  I am apologising in advance to her future husband.

In other exciting Sydney news, she is now in a BIG, big girl bed.  We moved her to a toddler bed in January but, since we didn’t want to spend money on ANOTHER crib matress, we decided it would be better to put the money towards something that would last her a bit longer.  So, Sydney is now happy in her double bed.  She LOVES it and, especially likes the fact that mommy and/or daddy can lay down with her to read her a story, give her snuggles, etc. etc.

I cannot believe that she will be THREE next month!  It honestly seems like just yesterday, we were holding her in our arms for the very first time.

As for Noah, he is doing well and, sleeping for much longer stretches during the night.  I am hoping that by 3 months, he will be going all night!!

Some pics:


A self portrait…we were messing around with the timer on the camera.

Noah, on the way to his 2 month appointment.

Sydney, on the same day.

Sydney and Papa the day Pat and I went to pick up our new kitchen chairs which will eventually go with the kitchen table we are re-finishing (of which I will post picks when we are done).

Nana and the kids on the very same day.

Noah in the tub.

My smiley boy!

Will update with more pics shortly…just waiting for them to finish uploading to flickr…..


OK…back to add some more and then off to watch LOST!

Crazy lady in her cardboard box!


My little gardening buddy.

More smiles.

“Dude, she scares me!”

Sydney, having a special treat by eating some toast in the living room.  She was sooo busy hamming it up for the camera…

she tipped over!! LMAO


  1. Suzie it’s this age that Sydney and Vanessa are at just great? I love seeing more and more individual personality coming through. Vanessa LOVES Diego too so I can appreciate how nice it must have been for you to have Syd chose to help you over Diego.
    Noah is getting so big too- I still see so much of Sydney in him. They are both just adorable!

  2. Thanks Lor!

  3. OMG, Noah is getting so big so quickly! He is adorable!

    Talia loves Diago too. How cute that Syd not only missed Diago to help you, but actually got the point of what the Little Einsteins were singing about team work!! LMAO!
    Smart girl…it’s genetic, ya know!

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